Specialty License Exam - 02/19/2025

Submitted by Allyson on

Specialty License Exams

Exams will be held in the office for those wanting to test for these specialty licenses:

Fire Alarm InstallerSign InstallerIrrigation, and HVAC

Additionally, if you have special accommodations and would like to request to test in the office for other license types, please reach out to SED.Officestaff@nebraska.gov / 402.471.1058 after you have received your approval to test. 


Upcoming Exam

ATTENTION: In office exams are only for specialty licenses and for examinees with accommodations. Journeyman, Residential Wireman, and Electrical Contractor Exams will typically NOT be held in the office. 

February 19th, 2025

PLEASE NOTE: Only those with approval to test in the office for this specific exam date, are signed up for the in-office exam.

We will offer an exam on February 19th, 2025, at 9:00 AM in the office. Please come a few minutes early to fill out pre-exam paperwork and pay your exam fee. You can bring a 2023 Code Book, the Ugly's Book (any version), pencils, and a simple non-programmable calculator.

If you have been approved for the exam and have questions, contact our office by email at SED.Officestaff@nebraska.gov or by phone at 402.471.1058.


If you have not been approved, you may go to this link to apply to take an exam:

Nebraska Electrician Registration/License Application


Next Exam Date: March 19th, 2025