Specialty License Exam - 02/19/2025
Specialty License Exams
Exams will be held in the office for those wanting to test for these specialty licenses:
Fire Alarm Installer, Sign Installer, Irrigation, and HVAC.
State Act Update & 2023 Code Adoption
8/1/24 Note
We have posted the updated State Electrical Act under the "About" section on our website. The most notable change is that the late filing fee has increased to $250. If you have any questions on the State Act Updates, please let our office know by emailing us at SED.Officestaff@nebraska.gov
2023 Code Adoption
Continuing Ed Providers Update
Continuing Education Update
As a reminder, approved courses are valid only until the end of each licensing period. This means that when licenses are up for renewal, you will also need to apply for course renewal.
For example, if your course was approved in January 2023 – your course would be approved through December 2024. AND, if your course was approved in January 2024 – your course would also only be approved through December 2024.
PSI Exams
5/15/24 Update
NSED Inspection GIS Mapping
NSED Inspection Jurisdiction GIS Mapping
The Nebraska State Electrical Division has been working together with NebraskaMAP to provide an easy to use searching application to help you determine who has electrical inspection jurisdiction per location area.
License Renewal Open Now!
License Renewal is now OPEN
To renew your license online please click HERE
Or print the digital mail-in copy and mail to our office.
Pre-Exam Review
Online Pre-Exam Code Review
You can now register for a self-guided slideshow to go over code for review before exams.
This should help you better learn how to navigate the codebook and get an understanding of what types of questions may be asked on the exam.
The cost is $40, and once you register, you will be emailed the link to view the slideshow. Please verify you have a valid email listed. It may take up to one business day to receive the link.
2025-2026 License & Registration Fees
The purchase fees for licenses and registrations between January 1st, 2025, through December 31st, 2026, are as follows:
For each year of the two-year license period for issuance and renewal:
Electrical Contractor $125
Class A Master $125
Class B Electrical Contractor $125
Journeyman Electrician $25
Class B Journeyman $25
Fire Alarm Installer $25
Heating/AC/Refrigeration $25
Irrigation $25
Sign Installer $25
Residential Appliances only $25
Apprentice Registration $20