NSED Inspection Jurisdiction GIS Mapping
The Nebraska State Electrical Division has been working together with NebraskaMAP to provide an easy to use searching application to help you determine who has electrical inspection jurisdiction per location area.
You will be able to search either by street address, latitude/longitude, or by your GPS location. When you search for a location, you can see which State Electrical District it falls into, the State Electrical Inspector's contact information for that area, and who has inspection jurisdiction with their contact information. This should help users know who they may need to pull an electrical permit with, either the Nebraska State Electrical Division, Municipality, or County electrical authorities, and who to reach out to for questions.
The map also has options to help filter for more specific information through the layer function, and you can choose from different base map options depending on what view you would like. Additionally, if you have general questions about how to utilize the map, click on the information button which is the fourth button on the top left side of the map.
We have added the link for the application under the Inspectors & Inspections tab, titled NSED Inspection Map - or you can click here.
NebraskaMAP also offers a map of the Electrical Utilities in Nebraska, and we have added that mapping application under the Inspectors & Inspections tab, titled Electrical Utilities Map - or you can click here.
If you have any questions or comments about the searching application, please reach out to our office at:
SED.Officestaff@nebraska.gov OR (402) 471-1058